Citizen is
the people as part of a population into state elemets. Capacity as a citizen of a free man not a slave
because citizen is member or a citizen of a member state, that is participant
of a partnership established with the joint force and responsibility for the
common. Therefore, every citizen has the
right certainty, privasi and responsibility.
In the
contex of indonesian for citizen (agree with constitution 1945 article 26), in the explanition that the
state of people other nations, for example dutch descent, china descent wich
staying in indonesian, recognizen as his homeland and be loyal to the country
and become a citizen indonesian.
of citizenship
Applying the principle of citizenship, there are two
guidelines , namely the principle citizenship by birth and principle of citizenship is based on the marriage.from
slide of birth there are two principles of citizenship that is often
encountered , namely ius soli (place of birth) and ius sanguinis (descent),
whereas the marriage of totality law and the principle of equality.
A. From the side
The state
based on the side birth, the person a familiar two principle of citizenship,
that is ius soli and ius sanguinis both of them from
latin. Ius soli is citizenship of guidelines based on place or birth area
while the guidelines citizenship based on blood or descent.
B. From the side marriage
The citizenship of a person can alson be viewed
from the marriage wich includes the principle of unity law and
principle of equality. The
principle of unity law based on the paradigm that the husband and wife or close
family are at the core of society wich necessitat atmosphere prosperous, healthy
and not broken.
The principle of equality is ditermined
that a marriage does not lead to change of citizenship status of equally good
at his job.
elemets that determine citizenship
The element
descent blood (ius sanguinis)
citizenship of the
parents determines the citizenship of a
person, it means that people are born
from parent who indonesian citizenship, he also indonesian citizens.
The element of
the area birth place (ius soli)
The area where a person is born determines his nationality,
for example if people are born in indonesian law, he become indonesian
citizens except including members of fereign and troops, who
are still in the bond.
The element
naturalization (naturalisasi)
Naturalization there
are active and passive, when active
someone can use the option to choose or propose will be a national of a country
and if passive someone does not want naturalized by a state or will be not given or made in
the citizens, who concerned may use the right repudation.that
is the right to refuse the provision of citizenship.
Problem citizenship
If the
analysis, among the in habitants of
country there are those who are not citizens (foreignners) in that country .
and this case known as aptride, bipatride and multipatride .
Apratide is
for peple who do not have citizenship
is used for people who have dual a citizenship or a famous namely dual nationality.
Multipatride is
used to mention the citizenship status
of a person who has two or more citizenship.
The Background of citizenship
Long journey history of indonesia nation begin science
era before and during colonization and
than continue with struggle era and keep independence until content
independence era appear contion and different strufing agree with that era.
of fight era don’t know surrender have proved on the independent battle 17
August 1945.The spirit of nation struggle is based by faith and piety to the
god and sincere to sacrifice the base struggle it is the values of struggle indonesian
The valuesof struggle indonesian nation in
physic struggle take away by force defend and to independent contens have
experience in set subsidied that agree
with dynamics of live,society ,nation,and state.the spitit of nation
struggle have experienced taking down at physical that critical.Thais matter is
caused amoung others by globalitation.
across globalitation and examine to future for independent content.We need a
struggle non pysical that agree with profession this struggle is based by
proportions of struggle indonesian nation,until we have insight and conciou
consider.attitude and behavior nationalisme and eminent united with totality
nation on frame work care for state for the sake of whole contans,and standing
of unit indonesian state.
Competence is hope from citizenship education
real of education
education is purposed in order to have insight of nation conscious for care for
nation and have opinion,demeanor and behavior as action system nationalisme
base pancasila,that’s all is needed for the sake of whole countans,and standing
of unit state republic of indonesia.
b.Ability citizen of state
live useful and purpose be able to anticipation defelopment cange of time for
future some nation very need provision since,knowledg,technology,and
fine(IPTEK).which based values of pancasila,values of religious,and values of
nation struggle.
sprout up knowledg of citizen
citizen of republic of indonesia must dominate knowledg and fine form the mission
or responsible of citizenship education to sprout up insight of citizen state
on matter friendship,understanding between nation,peace of
world,consciousness,and protect of nation,and demeanor along with behavior
principle by values of nation cultur.the archipilago and endurence of national.
d.Foundation opinion of citizenship
Fordinance numbre 2 years 1989 about education national system mentioned
that curriculum and contents,education contain education of pancasila,religion
education and citizenship education to stage and develope at all stripe
kind,and educational ladder it importance that material education instructial
of citizenship in instituation must be continue to stage metodology instruction
to develope suitable and management effectiveness study,inqluded quality and evaluate
prospect career of teacher.
Competence meaning as sets of clever equipment,feeling
responcibility full must have with someone to be able
implament,assigment,insector certain work.
By means
of citizenship education.citizen of unit state republic of indonesia hope be
able to uderstand,analyze,and respons problems
that across society,nation,and state in accordance with continuous,and
consisten purpose as lined by opening of ordinance 1945.
Characteristics of democratic citizens
To build a democratic order and civilized society, every
citizen should have the democratic spirit anyway, for example :
and responsibility
We must respect toward fellow citizen especially to a society consting of a pluralitas of
multi ethnicties , ethnicty, race, conviction, religion and plitical ideology,
besides the citizens to must keep
harmonius relation between ethnic and responsibility.
We must critical attitude of both
toward the emprical reality (the reality of social, cultural, and political )
and critical attitude toward the supra_empiris
reality (religion, mythology, beliefs) and this critical attitude must
to show to yourself.
discussion and dialogue
This is one solution to minimize
conflics arising from differences. Therefore, the attitude of opening
themselves to dialogue and discussion is one of the characterisic citizen.
Oppeness attitude based on
pluralisme and limitations of self awareness will bring forth the ability to
hold back and not immadiately pass
judgment and choice.
Decisions rationally deliver
to logical attitude displayed by the citizens while irrational attitude will
carry implications and selfish emosional.
Method unfair is type a violation
of human rights of the people who needed of unfai, and the manner of fair
spirit is prupose together to become citizen beautiful.
Honest is the key to the creation
of harmony and harmonius relationship between citizens.
Method and obtain proof of
indonesian citizenship.
The general of
explanatory law no 62/1958, there are
seven ways to obtain indonesian a citizenship. Namely :
Granted the request
Participate father and
The rights and obligations of
explanition citizen of general is a member state which has a special status to the state, he has the
rights and obligations of partnership be reciprocated toward the country. Based
on the explanition of that, so that way there is rights and obligations of
citizens of the country is something that must be.
The rights of the citizens
guarented by the constitution is that the formulative of human right contained
in article 28 changed two contitution , that change article in the right
attached to each invidual , like the right to freedom of religion and worship
according beliefed,
the right to the
recognition ,protect on collateral while
the inherent obligation for every citizen as the obligation to pay monopoly,
defend defensel and scurity citizen (article 29) .
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