Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The Sense of Disintegration


1.1. Background

In the theory of evolution is that everything has a cycle that is always spinning there is life and there is dead as the world is always turning sometimes above and sometimes below. So also in the history of the lands and kingdoms are always spinning there is time formation and development, and in the end the golden age of the ruin and destruction.
From the above description of the many kingdoms that existed then crashed and was destroyed. This is similar to that experienced by the Abbasids, who has a long history over the past five centuries, starting from the time of formation, the golden age and until the destruction..
The Abbasids was the State most Islamiyah and experienced a golden age of expanding its territory, the city and the beautiful building, governance, economy, health, and educational or scientific. However, since the disintegration of the terjadnya in Government, the Abbasids faced tremendous destruction, collapse, and even disappear from the face of the Earth.
Therefore, we will discuss how the occurrence of disintegration so the Abbasids suffered destruction and Islamic intellectual development conditions at that time.

1.2. Outline of the Problem

-          What's The Sense Of Disintegration?
-          What caused the Breakup?
-          How Is The Condition Of Intellectual Development In Islam?

1.3.Objective Writing

-          To fulfill the duty of Islamic Civilization History courses
-          Understand the disintegration that occurred in the Caliphate
-          Knowing the conditions of intellectual development in Islam

2.1. the sense of Disintegration

Disintegration is a State divided halves of the unified whole to be fragmentary.
But in this paper, we (the authors) will try to discuss about the disintegration of the Caliphate, which occurred in the past.
Since the reign of Harun Al-Rashid (786-809 M./170-194H). It says at the time of the golden age of the Abbasids. But at this time that seeds of disintegration occurred precisely at a time when declining the throne. Harun Al-Rashid has bequeathed the throne of kekhalifaan on his eldest son, Al-Amin (809-812 M./194-198 H.) and to the younger son of al-Ma'mun, who at that time served as Governor of Khurasan. After the death of Harun Al-Rashid, al-Amin tried to betray his rights and appointed his son as his successor in the future. Finally broke out of the civil war. Al-amin's military backed by the Abbasid Caliphs in Baghdad, while al-Ma'mun must attempt to free a Khurasan in order to gain the support of the armies of Khurasan. Al-Ma'mun was eventually able to defeat his eldest brother al-Amin and claim the Caliphate in the year 813 Hijri. But the fierce battle not only weaken the Abbasid military force but rather undermine the citizens of Iraq and other provinces.
At the time of kekhalifaan al-Ma'mun (198-218 H./813-833 c.e.) also occur causing the disintegration of the Thahiriyah dynasty, which was didirakan by Thahir, he was Governor of Khurasan and became a military General under the Abbasid Caliphate, which was named because it helps al-Amin seized power. Al-Ma'mun had given the position to Thahir and pledged that such appointments can be passed down to his descendants. An attempt to unify the ranks of the elite under the direction of the Caliph could not materialize and instead the Government is ruled by an alliance with the ruler of a great Governor of Caliph[1].

2.2. the causes of the occurrence of disintegration

a.      dynasties of the Emancipation from Baghdad
Disintegration in the political sphere is in fact already started to happen at the end of the Umayyad period. Will be visible differences between the Umayyad reign with the Abbasid pemerinatahan. The Umayyad territory, from its inception until the keruntuhanya, parallel to the boundary of the Muslim rule. It is possible that the Abbasid Caliph was quite satisfied with nominal recognition of certain provinces. With the financing of the tribute. The first reason, maybe the Caliph is not strong enough to make them subservient to him. Second, the Abbasid rulers more drip at a series of culture and civilization of coaching on politics and expansion.

Result of prudence which put more emphasis on the construction of culture and civilization of Islam on political issues that, certain provinces in the suburbs began to escape from the hands of the Abbasids, in various ways including the rebellion carried out by local leaders and they managed to gain full independence, such as the State of the Umayyads in Spain and the Idrisiyah in Morocco. Someone who was appointed Governor by Caliph, his position grew stronger, such as State Aghlabiyah in Tunisia and Thahiriyah in Khurasan.
Except the Umayyads in Spain and the Idrisiyah in Morocco, the provinces were initially dutifully pay tribute as they watched the Baghdad Caliphate is stable and able to cope with the upheaval appears. However, when the authority of the Caliph's already fading them to break away from Baghdad. They have not only undermined the power, even among them there are trying to master the Caliphate itself.
According to Watt, the actual collapse of the Abbasid power was beginning to look since the beginning of the ninth century. This phenomenon may be concurrent with the arrival of the Chief Military pimimpin who has power in certain provinces which makes them completely independent.
Abbasid military force that time began to decline. Instead, the Abbasid rulers exercised those military professionals, in particular Turkey's army with a new system of slavery. Appointment of members of the military of Turkey, in the development of the next great threat turns out to be against the authority of the Caliph. Moreover, in the first period of the Abbasid dynasty's rule has emerged in the form of national fanaticism syu'ubiyyah movement (nationality/anti-Arab). This movement gave inspiration to a political movement, in addition to religious issues. The Caliph did not appear to be aware of the political dangers of fanaticism and religious streams of that nationality, so although it was felt in almost all facets of life, as in literary and scientific works, they do not mean it waives such fanaticism, even among those who are actually involved in the conflict of nationalities and the religious.
Dynasties are born and break away from the authority of Baghdad during Caliph Abbasyiah, such as:

1.      the Persian:
a.       Thahiriyah[2] in Khurasan (205-259 Ah/820-872 M)
b.      Shafariyah[3] in Fars (254-290 H/868-901 M.)
c.       Samaniyah[4] in Transoxania (261-289 H/873-998 M)
d.      Sajiyyah in Azerbeijan (266-318 H/878-930 M)
e.       Buwaihiyah even took control of Baghdad (320-447 Ah/932-1055 M)

2.      the Turkey
a.       Thuluniyah in Egypt (254-292 H/837-903 M)
b.      Ikhsyidiyah in Turkistan (320-560 Ah/932-1163 M)
c.       Ghazanawiyah in Afghanistan (351-585 H/962-1189 M)
d.      the Seljuk Dynasty and its branches

3.      the Kurds
a.       Al Barzuqani (348-406 H/959-1015 M)
b.      Abu Ali ((380-489 h./990-1095 M.)
c.       Ayubiyah (564-648 H/1167-1250 M)

4.  the Arab
a.       the Idrisiyah in Morocco (172-375 H/788-985 M)
b.      Aghlabiyah in Tunisia (184-289 H/800-900 M.)
c.       Dulafiyah in Kurdistan (210-285 H/825-898 M)

5. who claims himself as the Caliph
a.       Umawiyah in Spain
b.      Fathimiyah in Egypt (909-1171 M)[5]

The factors that led to the decline of the bani Abbas, so the many emancipation;
a.       the extent of the power of the Abbasids
b.      With the professionalisation of the weapon, the Caliph is very high dependency
c.       Financial State is extremely difficult due to the cost of a huge army.[6]

c.       seizure of power In the Central Government
Another factor that led to the political role of bani Abbas declined is the seizure of power in the Central Government. It is actually also occurs on the previous Islamic Governments. The Prophet Muhammad did not specify how the replacement leader after the abandonment. He handed over this issue to the Muslims in line with a growing populist soul among the Arab community and the teaching of democracy in Islam. After the Prophet's death, there was a conflict of opinion between the muhajirun and the Ansar Banu Sa'idah at City Hall in Medina. However, because of their religious understanding is good, the spirit of the deliberations, the fraternity is high, the differences can be resolved. and Abu Bakr was elected Caliph.
The first bloodshed in Islam because of a power struggle occurred during the Caliphate of Ali Ibn abi Talib. Ali was killed by former followers themselves. some of the rebels that appeared at the time of Ali aims to remove him from the seat of the Caliph and replaced by the rebel leader. This is the same also occurred during the Umayyad Caliphate in Damascus. As the rebellion Husein bin Ali, Shiites led by al-Abdullah bin Zubair, Jonathan, and the last revolt of Banu Abbas, who for the first time under the name movement of Bani Hashim. This last rebellion succeeded and then set up a new Government named the Abbasid Caliphate or Bani abbas.
In the reign of the Abbasids, the power struggle as it also happens, especially at the beginning. But in the next period, as shown in the second period and beyond, although the Caliph was powerless, no effort to seize the Office of Caliphate from the hands of Bani Abbas. Only attempt to usurp their powers by allowing the Caliphate remained firmly in the Bani Abbas.
This happens because the Caliph is considered sacred and religious position can not bother to sue again. While the power can be set up in the Center as well as in areas that are far from the seat of Government in the form of small dynasties were independent. Turkey's army seized the power. In the hands of viceroys like the doll that they cannot do anything about it. Even they who chose the Caliph and dropping their political liking.
After the power was in the hands of those Turkey in the second period, third period (334 H/945 M-447 H/1055 M), Abbasyiah State was under the authority of the Buwaih.
After Baghdad was captured, the Umayyads moved the headquarters of power from Shiraz to Baghdad. They built a separate building in the middle of town with the name of Dar al-Mamlakah.
The political power of Bani Buwaih did not long survive. The power of the Buwaih finally fell to the Saljuk. This succession marked the beginning of the fourth period of the Abbasid.
The Saljuk recognized as a successful dynasty in community building as it is. Among his achievements include:
1.      expand the Masjid al-Haram and Masjid Nabawi
2.      construction of a hospital in the School
3.      construction of the shots the stars
4.      development of a means of education.

Under the reign of Malik Shah (1072-1092) Saljuk power reached its peak, the sprawling territory of kasygar, a small town in the northernmost regions of Turkey, after the death of Malik Shah, a number of wars between Princes plus numerous riots have weakened the authority of the Government and resulted in the destruction of the Saljuk.[7]

d.      the Crusades
The Crusades happened in 1095, when Pope Urban II[8] called upon Christians in Europe to carry out holy war, to reclaim the spaciousness pilgrimage qutaibah ruled by the Seljuk Ruler who sets some rules that damning for Christians who want to make a pilgrimage there.
As already mentioned, an important event in the movement of expansion carried out by Alp Arselan is Manzikart events, the year 464 H (1071 M). The Alp Arselan which only had a magnitude of about 15,000 soldiers, in this event, defeated the Roman army of 200,000 people, is composed of the Roman army, Ghuz Akraj, al-, al-Hajr, France and Armenia. This great event planted the seeds of hostility and hatred of Christians against Muslims, which then triggers the Crusade. Resentment grew after the Seljuk dynasty was able to seize the Temple in Jerusalem al-471 (), from the Fathimiyah dynasty based in Egypt. The Seljuk ruler set some rules for Christians who want to make a pilgrimage there. The regulations were felt very complicate them. To regain much of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land's Christians, in 1095 ad, Pope Urban II called upon Christians in Europe in order to make holy war. This battle became known as the Crusades, which occurs in three periods.[9]
Although Muslims successfully defended daerah-daerahnya from the Crusaders, but the losses that they suffered much because of the wars that took place in its territory thus this has resulted in the political power of the Muslims to be weak and torn asunder. Many minor emancipation dynasty of Abbasid Central Government in Baghdad.[10]

e.       reasons for the decline of the Bani Abbas
Termination of authority of the Baghdad Caliphate or the Saljuk Abbasid is the beginning of the fifth period. During this period, the Abbasid Caliphs were no longer under the control of a particular dynasty, though many Islamic dynasty once stood. There are large enough, but most were small dynasties. The Abbasid Caliph, independent and powerful back already, but just in Baghdad and surrounding areas. The power of the Caliph that this narrow political show weakness. At this time the Mongols and Tartars attacked Baghdad. Baghdad can be captured without resistance and dihancurluluhkan means. The destruction of Baghdad by the Mongols in this beginning of a new chapter in the history of Islam, called the middle ages.
As seen in the Abbasid Caliphate periodization, the decline started in the second period. Nevertheless, the factors causing the decline did not come unexpectedly. His seed was visible in the first period, just because of the very strong during this time, the seeds that did not had time to develop. In the history of the reign of the Caliph that if Abbas looks strong, the Ministers are likely to play a role as the head of the civil service, but if the Caliph is weak, they will rule set the wheels of Government.
Besides the weakness of the Caliph, many other factors which caused the Abbasid Empire went into decline, each of these factors are inter-related to each other. Some of them are as follows:
1.      Competition among Nations
The Abbasid Caliphate was established by the Bani Abbas who allied with the Persians. An Alliance backed by the fate of the second equation by it during the period of the Umayyads came to power. Both are similarly oppressed. After the Abbasid Caliphate was established, the dynasty of the Bani Abbas retains the fellowship. There are two reasons the Bani Abbas chose the Persian people rather than Arabs. First, it is difficult for Arabs to forget the Umayyads. At that time they were first-class citizens. Second, the Arabs themselves are torn asunder by the presence of Nashabiyah (tribal). Thus, the Abbasid Caliphate was not enforced in the traditional Nashabiyah.
Nevertheless, the Persians did not feel satisfied. They wanted a dynasty with the King of Persia and employees anyway. Meanwhile the Arabs believed that blood flowing in their bodies of blood (ras) was exceptional and they consider low non-Arab Nations in the Islamic world.
In addition, the Abbasid authority in the first period is extensive, covering a wide range of different Nations, such as Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, Turkey and India. They merged with the Semitic peoples. Except Islam, at that time there was no awareness of the knitting elements to the assortment with strong. As a result, besides the araban fanaticism, appears also in other Nations fanaticism that gave birth to the syu'ubiyah movement.
This seems to have left national fanaticism developed by authorities. Meanwhile, the Caliph is running a new system of slavery. The Persian nation of slaves or servants and soldiers made a Turkey. They were forbidden to the dynasty and got a salary. By Bani Abbas, they are considered as slaves. The system of slavery has been enhancing the influence of the Persian nation and Turkey. Because of the number and the power they are great, they feel that the country belongs to them, they have the power over the people based on the authority of the Caliph.
The tendency of each nation to dominate the power already felt since the beginning of the Abbasid Caliph stand. However, since the Caliphate was powerful people who are capable of maintaining the balance of power, political stability can be maintained. After al-Mutawakkil, Caliph of a weak, ascended the throne, the dominance of an unstoppable army of Turkey again. Since then the power of Bani Abbas actually was over. The power is in the hands of the people of Turkey. This position was later captured by The Buwaih, the Persians, in the third period, and then switch to the Seljuk dynasty in the fourth period.

2.      the economic downturn
Abbasid Caliphate also suffered a setback in the economy along with the decline in the political sphere. In the first period, the reign Of Abbas is a rich Government. Funding that goes bigger than that out, so the Bait al-Mal is full of treasures. Added large funding obtained, among others from al-Kharaj, a kind of tax on produce.
After the Empire entered a period of decline, declining state revenue while expenditure grew larger. Declining state revenue was caused by the narrowness of the power, the number of riot is troubling the people's economy. light taxes and many minor dynasties of emancipation and no longer pay tribute. While spending swelled among others caused by the life of the Caliph, and officials increasingly extravagant expenditure types, the more diverse and the officials of corruption. Unstable political conditions caused the country's economy becomes irregular. Instead, bad economic conditions weaken the political power of the Abbasid dynasty, both factors are inter-related and inseparable.

3.      the religious Conflicts
Religious fanaticism is closely related to the question of nationality. The emergence of the movement that became known as the movement of this Zindiq teasing sense of faith of the Caliph. Al-Mansoor strive memberantasnya. Al-Mahdi and feel the need to set up a special Office to oversee the activities of Zindiq and do mihnah (test) with the aim of eradicating heresy. However, that doesn't stop all their activities. The conflict between believers with the Zindiq continues, starting from a very simple shape like a polemic about the teachings, to the armed conflict that spilled blood on both sides. The movement of al-Afsyin and Qaramithah are examples of the armed conflict.

4.      the threat from outside
What is mentioned above is the internal factors. In addition, there are also external factors that caused the Abbasid Caliphate weakened and finally destroyed. The first Crusade which lasted some waves or periods and swallow a lot of casualties. The second attack the Mongols to the Muslim rule. As already mentioned, European Christians were called to join the battle after Pope Urban II (1088-1099 m.) issued a fatwa. The crusade also burn the spirit of resistance of the Christians who are in the power of Islam. However, among the Eastern Christian communities, only Armenia and Lebanese Maronites who are attracted by the Crusades and Crusader immerse yourself in it.
The influence of the cross is also seen in the invasion of the Mongol army. Mentioned that Hulagu Khan, the Mongol army, very hate Islam because he was heavily influenced by the likes of Nestorian Christians and Buddhists. Christian churches associated with the Mongols anti Islam it. The Mongol army, after Islamic centers pulverize, join the correct Yerussalem.[11]

2.3. Condition of Intellectual Developing

No matter how sinister the political situation in the capital baghdad but Sciences and Islamic culture still shows growth.
During the disintegration that led to the destruction of the Abbasid Caliphate, but does not inhibit the development of intellectual property. At the time of disintegration that began with the establishment of Thahiriyah, intellectual development suffered considerable developments. This is proven by the emergence of the intellectual figures in their field, be it in the field of science, literature, philosophy, and medicine as well as in the fields of law and politics.

1)      Science literature, a character;

a.       Abul ' Alla ' al-ma'ary (363-449 h./973-1057 M), a poet philosophers have many works, which were translated into Latin and the United Kingdom by Thomas Carlyle and the language of Germany by Von Kremer.
b.      Bard Proza Shabi (313 – 383 h./925-994 M.)
c.       Shahib Ibn Ubbad (326 – 385 h./938-985 M.)
d.      poet, Scholar Abu Bakr Khuwarizmi (389 H./993 M.)
e.       Poet author Badie'u az-Zaman Hamdani (358 – 398 h./969-1007 M.)
f.       the poet Ibn ' Amied

2)      Philosophy and medicine

a.       Muhammad ibn Zakaria Al-Razi, the famous physician and philosopher
b.      ' Ali ibn al-Majus, the personal physician of the ' Adhudud State and author of the book "Kamil as-Shina'at"

3)      law and politics

One name that should not be forgotten is an American jurist who served as a Supreme Court and also the author of the politics, namely Imam Mawardi (368-450 H./974-1058 M.) an author a very active political science, author of the book ' Al-Ahkam as-Sulthaniyah on the law of the Government.[12]


3.1.  Conclusions
Disintegration is the State of the divided halves of the unified whole to be fragmentary. The cause of the disintegration of the Caliphate of Islam in the past, among them; the existence of dynasties that liberates himself from Baghdad, the seizure of power in the Central Government, the crusade as well as the factors that led to the decline of the Bani Abbas.
The disintegration that arises due to the split in the reign of the Abbasids. The split that started to happen since the end of the reign of Harun Al-Rashid, precisely at a time when declining the throne he was raised the son of al-Amin. In addition to that which led to the decline of the Bani Abbas is a competition among Nations, religious conflict, economic downturn, and the threat from outside.
Intellectual development in the period of disintegration of the remains shows the development of meaning. It was evident with the advent of the intellectual figures in their field both in the fields of literature, science, philosophy, and medicine as well as in the fields of law and politics.


K. Hitti, Philip. 2010. Terjemah History of the Arabs. Jakarta: Serambi.
Syukur, Fatah. 2011. Sejarah Peradaban Islam. Semarang: Pustaka Rizki Putra.      
Yatim, Badri. 2003. Sejarah Peradaban Islam Dirasah Islamiyah II. Jakarta: LSIK.

[1] Fatah Syukur, Sejarah Peradaban Islam, (Semarang : Pustaka Rizki Putra 2011), p. 112.

[2] Its founder was Thahir ibn al-Husain from Khurasan, someone who never believed al-Ma'mun to occupy the post of General in the army of the King leading the successful to defy al Amen. See. History of the Arabs Philip K. Hitti, p. 585.
[3] Founded by Jacob ibn al-Laits al Shaffar (867-878). Lih. Philip k. Hitti, History of the Arabs, p. 586.
[4] Its founder was Nasr ibn Ahmad (874-892), great-grandson of Saman, a nobleman of the teachings of Zoroaster from Balkh. Philip k. Hitti, History of the Arabs, pp. 586.

[5] Badri Yatim, Sejarah Peradaban islam Dirasah Ilslamiyah II (Jakarta: LSIK, 2003), p. 63-66.
[6] Ibid., hlm. 66-67.
[7] Ibid., p. 67-69. see also the Fatah of Islamic civilization, history of Thanksgiving, p. 114-115.
[8] View. In the book the history of Islamic civilization Fatah Syukur, p. 115, written Pope Urban I, but in his book, Badri Yatim, p., 77, says Pope Urban II.
[9] Badri Yatim, op. cit., pp. 76-77.    
[10] Fatah Syukur, op. Cit., p. 115.
[11] Badri Yatim, op. Cit., p. 79-85.
[12] Fath Syukur, op. Cit., p. 117-118.


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